Police & Safety
Police/Fire/Ambulance - Call 911 first. Then call 815-802-8190 or 5555 from campus phones.
Call 815-802-8190
Police and security officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you want to view the daily crime log, contact Eric Springer, chief of campus police, at espringer@kcc.edu or 815-802-8195.
Emergency Notifications
In cases of severe weather, utility outages or other circumstances, KCC will announce campus closings as far in advance as possible. For KCC classes offered at area high schools, if the school is closed for an emergency the class will be canceled. Students can learn of emergencies and closings several ways:
- KCC offers School Messenger service for students and staff to receive phone, text and email alerts for emergency and weather closings. To sign up:
Log in to Self Service > Menu > User options > Add new phone (under Phone Numbers). Then, add your number. For “type,” select “Receive KCC Text Alerts.” Message and data rates will apply. - Chicagoland Emergency Closing Center posts KCC closing information.
- KCC home page and Facebook page post announcements.
- Local radio stations broadcast KCC class cancellations.
Fire & Severe Weather Drills
Each semester, KCC’s campus police department coordinates with local agencies to test fire and weather/disaster alarms and evacuation procedures. In order to maintain realism, some drills are not announced ahead of time.
When an alarm is heard:
- Fire alarms are one continuous alarm blast.
- Severe weather/disaster alarms are rapidly-repeating alarm blasts.
Safe Areas During Weather Emergencies
The following locations have been designated safe areas for weather emergencies including tornadoes:
Riverfront Campus
- All first floor restrooms
- College Center corridor south of the Miner Memorial Library
- Hallway outside Technology/Business and Health Careers administration office.
- Health Careers Center for Excellence interior rooms (away from windows).
- Advanced Technology Education Center Room T113, Room T114, Room T115, Room T116, Room T117, Room T123, Room T125, Room T127
- Technology building east-west and north-south corridors; Room V104, Room V112, Room V114, Room V116, Room V118
- Prairie Building Room W103, Room W106, and the Prairie Room-Room W109 and Room W111
- Lower level of the library, south wall of carrel area; and Rooms L161 and Room L165
- Workforce Development Center first floor interior rooms away from windows
- Art and Sciences Building first floor interior rooms away from windows
- Locker rooms in Activities Building
- KCCs Fitness Center in the Ice Valley Centre, lower level interior rooms away from windows (excluding the ice rink itself)
- South wall of the building presently occupied
- South bank of retention pond
- Outdoor area away from building which is lower than ground level such as a ditch or swale
South Extension Center
- Interior hallways and restrooms
North Extension Center
- First floor interior hallways and first floor restrooms
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology Center
- Interior hallways and restrooms
Leadership on Safety Issues
KCC’s campus police department provides leadership on safety issues through the Campus Safety and Security Committee which meets regularly to evaluate means of further improving campus safety.
Emergency Call Stations
KCC parking lots are equipped with emergency call stations. To activate an emergency station, push the big red button. The blue light on top of the emergency call station will start to turn, identifying the location of the caller.
Police or security personnel will respond through the call station speakers, asking for the nature of the emergency, and the little red light to the left of the big red button will light up. You do not need to push any buttons to speak into the call station.
Escort to Parking Lot
An escort service from Riverfront Campus buildings to parking lots is available upon request.
Visit the main reception desk or call 815-802-8190 to arrange for a police or security officer to meet you at a designated spot and walk you to your car.
Phone Bomb Threat Checklist
Report a Crime
If you have been the victim of a crime or have observed a crime in progress, and do not want to report it for fear of being identified, please fill out the form below. Through KCC’s Silent Witness program, this information remains confidential; you are not asked for your name or email address.
Report Suspicious Behavior
Students and employees of the college are usually the first to notice when a member of the community is distressed or behaving in a potentially dangerous or disruptive manner. Reports enable intervention, support and faster connections to appropriate resources.
To report any behaviors that you find suspicious, do one of the following:
- Complaint against officer
- Call KCC’s Deputy Police Chief: 815-802-8190
- Call KCC’s Police Chief: 815-802-8195
A Behavioral Intervention Team member will call an ambulance and/or the KCC Police Department for reported individuals who appear to be in imminent danger of harming themselves or who have threatened to harm others.
Make a Suggestion
The Behavioral Intervention Team, which provides oversight for this program, welcomes suggestions to improve its services and resources. Contact the director/registrar of admissions & registration at bit@kcc.edu.
Sex Offender Registration
Enrolled students who are sex offenders and/or violent offenders must register before the beginning of each semester with the KCC police chief or deputy chief. Phone 815-802-8190 or 815-802-8197.
The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Act of 2000 requires colleges and universities to inform students and employees how to learn the identity of registered sex offenders on campus. This law contains the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, which became effective Oct. 23, 2002.
Sex offender information is compiled by the Illinois State Police, which maintains a website that allows you to search for sex offenders online. Learn the identity of registered sex offenders in Illinois by reviewing the sex offender database.
KCC campus crime statistics can be viewed on the Office of Postsecondary Education of the U.S. Department of Education website. KCC submits these statistics annually as required by law.
Information on KCC’s campus security measures, alcohol/drug policies and sanctions, and graduation rates are listed in the Annual Disclosure Report.

Police Officers:
- Mirrissa Fraher
- Tobe E. Fulford III
- Zachary Powell
- John Short
- Vernal Turner
- Michael White
Public Safety Officers:
- Kent Carmichael
- Judy Honer
- Trayonne Moore
- Anthony Nunley
- Deshune Pendleton
- Daniel Stevens
College ordinances apply to all persons on property owned, leased and managed by KCC. Review the ordinance regulations policy document for a complete list of misconduct and fines. The general categories are:
- Alcohol and drug use
- Assault and battery
- Damage to property
- Disorderly conduct
- Fighting
- Gang representation and recruitment
- Misrepresentation/failure to identify
- Obstruction, resistance or interference with a KCC police officer
- Smoking
- Soliciting
- Theft
- Trespassing and unlawful access
For more information, contact any police officer.
ID Cards
Currently, enrolled students and KCC staff are required to have a KCC-issued photo ID card. Students must be prepared to present their cards to campus police and security officers and personnel in the Accounting Office, Admissions and Registration, Miner Memorial Library, bookstore, and other offices.
ID card photos can be taken during regular business hours at these locations:
- Admissions and Registration
- Room W102 - Prairie Building
- South Extension Center
- Adult Education Department (Adult education and English as a Second Language students only)
After the photo is taken, ID cards can be picked up in Room W102 or Admissions and Registration. To complete the ID process, students must bring their registration statement and one other type of photo ID (driver’s license, state ID, high school ID, FOID, etc.).
Credit students
Credit students can use the card to
- Check out books from the KCC library and I-Share libraries such as Joliet Junior College, Olivet Nazarene University, Governors State University.
- Enter college-wide activities
- Check-in and out of KCC Fitness Center
Replacement cards - $5 fee for first replacement; $10 fee for each subsequent replacement.
Health Career students
The health student card is used at off-site clinical locations only. It has no active barcode or magnetic strip. The card is valid only while the student is enrolled in the health career program.
Replacement cards - $5 fee for first replacement; $10 fee for each subsequent replacement.
Community students
Adult Education/GED students, Upward Bound, and other high school grant program participants receive a community student ID card.
Community students can use the card to
- Check out books from the KCC library
- Enter college-wide activities.
Replacement cards - $5 fee for first replacement; $10 fee for each subsequent replacement.
Staff and faculty
The staff card has an identification number on the barcode and in the magnetic stripe on the back. The card does not have an expiration date. Human resources will collect the card during the exit interview.
Staff can use the card to
- Check out books from the KCC library and I-Share libraries such as Joliet Junior College, Olivet Nazarene University, and Governors State University
- Use campus copiers
- Check-in and out at the KCC Fitness Center
- Enter college-wide activities
Replacement cards - $5 fee for first replacement; $10 fee for each subsequent replacement.
In the future, the card will allow access to select areas and doorways and establish foodservice accounts.
Community members
The community member card has an active barcode on the back. The card is valid for two years; the expiration date is on the card.
Community members can use the card to check out books from the KCC library.
$5 for the first card and for each replacement card.
Photo ID policy
This identification card must be carried at all times and presented to college officials when conducting business with the college.
The use of this card is governed by all Kankakee Community College regulations and is not transferable.
If presented by anyone other than the pictured cardholder, the card will be confiscated and all privileges revoked.
A lost, damaged, or stolen identification card must be reported to Room W102 or Admissions and Registration. There is a $5 fee for the first replacement and a $10 fee for each subsequent replacement.
This card remains the property of Kankakee Community College and is to be surrendered on demand by any college official